MontessoriMom Education that everyone can do

Montessori Newsletter 10

Brought to you by fun Walks, Great Links, Control of Error,
Body Puzzle, Finger Plays & Golden Bead Material Shopping


Happy Spring and Fall!

It's a great time to go for a walk to observe the changes in nature right now. Here are some other neighborhood walks you can do:

Go on a "Listening Walk"
Write down the things you hear when you go on a walk. Birds
signing, children roller skating, shouting,
horns honking, car's whizzing by, etc.

Go on a "Seeing Walk"
Look for anything that is a certain color, green, brown,
etc. or look for objects that are a certain shape,
circle, square, rectangle, etc. If your child is young,
look only for one type of object at a time.

Go on a "Smelling Walk"
When you and your child are at the market you can have a
great time smelling coffee, flowers & fruit.

This is a great time of the year to help your child learn
how to ride a bike.
Montessori taught children to  ride small bikes at a young
age, she found the smaller the bike, the better.
Here is a great link on how to teach your child to ride
a bike



"What is Control of Error?" and "How do you evaluate
Practical Life Skills?"

Control of error is a part of the exercise that is
apparent to the child if the task is done incorrectly.
This control is used in most of the sensorial didactic
equipment, and even with practical life skills.
The sensorial equipment is self-teaching in that it gives
an actual indication to correct the exercise.
For example, if a child does a puzzle, a left over piece
that doesn't fit into the last space gives a clue
that he or she needs to correct the puzzle solution.
Practical life skills also give a clue if they are done
incorrectly, such as a door slamming making a loud noise,
water spilled, etc.

Montessori used control of error for several reasons.
First of all, children learn best when they can correct
their own mistakes.
Also, children learn by doing, especially during the
preschool years.
Control of error helps develop your child's power of
observation because your child discovers both the error and
In addition, it empowers a child because he or she can
correct his or her mistakes.
It's a positive approach in that your child can fix a
problem, and he or she learns not to dwell on  mistake.

Practical Life Skills have an element of control of error
in the task.
For example, when I wash dishes I can tell when I need to
correct a part in my task.
Here are some things that help with the control of error
when you wash the dishes:
1. There is water on the floor and counters.
2  I have used too much soap (everything is covered with
suds) or too little dish detergent (the dishes won't get
3. Some of the dishes are dirty when I dry them.
4. I didn't dry the dishes enough because the dishes are wet when I put them away.

To correct this, I usually wipe up the water, rewash the
dirty dishes, add more soap or more water,
and dry the wet dishes again. By observing my mistakes, the
next time I wash the dishes, I do a better job.

The same is true with your child. It takes practice and
observation to master any practical life skill.
As your child gets older, the tasks get more difficult.
By mastering early practical life skills now, your child
knows how accomplish a task, and even conquer it.

Here are some early practical life skills ideas-

Montessori and reading

Montessori believed you should first introduce reading with
labels on objects and pictures.
She did this to ensure that a child would comprehend what
he or she read later on.

Many children love words that rhyme, and even pictures of
rhyming words.
Introducing rhyming words is a first form of poetry.
I have had non-reading students become suddenly interested
in reading when introduced to rhyming words.
These children would eventually read poetry instead of standard
Reading, like any skill, can be adapted for your child's
personal learning style.

Here is a link to some of Shel Silversein's poems and
illustrations -

Body Puzzle: Trace your child's body on a large piece of
paper. Your child can color his or her body.
Cut out parts of the body and let your child put it back
You can name the part and talk about the function of the
body part.

Finger Plays: )

Washing up Finger Play-dramatic play or ham it up time

Tune-"This is the way we wash our clothes"
"This is the way we wash our faces, wash our faces, wash
our faces
This the way we wash our faces, so early in the morning."

Replace "our faces" with our arms, our legs, our hands, our
hair, our fingers,
our thumb, our nose, our ears, our feet, our elbows, our
ankles, our knees, etc.
Your child can help come up with ideas too.

I have 10 little fingers.
I have 10 little toes.
I have 2 little ears.
I have 1 little nose.
I can wiggle my fingers.
I can wiggle my toes.
I can't wiggle my ears,
But I can wiggle my nose.

Head & Shoulders
(tune-"London Bridge")
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees
and toes.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees
and toes.
(Clap) That's the way the song goes.

Advanced fun: Repeat leaving out one body part each time,
hum in its place.
End with humming and sing only the last line-"That's the
way the song goes."

Shopping for Montessori material-
Golden bead material- or base 10 material
You can order golden bead like
material here-

Instead of beads you can use cubes.
You can teach the same concepts with them
as you would the golden bead material.

This  has more information too.


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